community impact

Exciting news! We're psyched to announce the launch of a new community impact project dedicated to empowering underrepresented creators in an underdeveloped area. Stay tuned for updates on how you can join us as we embark on a transformative impact adventure together. Keep an eye out for the big reveal soon!


youth impact

As STP continues to grow, we are dedicated to uplifting underrepresented communities alongside us. We have successfully recruited and mentored many high school and college interns in the areas of impact production, creative media, and business.

The photo above captures a special moment with STP and students from the Native American Community Academy (NACA) in Albuquerque, NM. We had the privilege of delivering keynote presentations to these students, focusing on entrepreneurship, resume, and cover letter writing. These presentations were an integral part of NACA's Learning Through Internship Program, where we encouraged youth to pursue their aspirations.


We’ve successfully secured grant funding from local, state, and federal entities to compensate STP interns as they gain valuable real-world experience and expand their professional networks.


Haute couture (fashion) impact


After the founder of STP was invited to speak at the La Jolla International Fashion Film Festival, STP embraced the opportunity to address a critical concern within the fashion industry: its substantial water consumption. In an engaging keynote presentation at the Festival, we enlightened haute couture designers and filmmakers, including over 1K Vogue magazine contributors, about their unique potential to make a difference and create a more sustainable future for the industry.


compulsive gambling impact


Through our combined efforts, we’ve successfully secured millions in local, state, and federal grant funding for impact productions centered around compulsive gambling treatment and prevention. Among our achievements, we helped develop the first 1-800-GAMBLER helpline, advancing the New Mexico Council on Problem Gambling's responsible gambling programs for at-risk populations and their families.


creative media IMPACT

Tsailii, Jonathan Nez (former Diné Nation President), & youth intern turned teammate

Thanks to innovative technology and software, creative media and film production became more accessible, leading STP to start developing, producing, and distributing positive impact content, media, and film. Our commitment to engaging diverse audiences inspires us to produce creative, impact content that not only entertains but also unites and empowers the audiences we serve.


film impact


Our co-production, "Red Nail Polish,” is a short film that raises awareness about human trafficking. With this impact film project, our goal is to spotlight the harsh realities of human trafficking and ignite a call to action to combat this global social problem.


Upon discovering the lack of culturally diverse filmmakers in the film industry, STP has actively increased opportunities for underrepresented filmmakers in New Mexico, Arizona, and California. We’re committed to promoting inclusivity and diversity in the entertainment industry by providing a platform for underrepresented filmmakers to fulfill their potential.


Policy impact


New Mexico is an underrepresented filmmaking market with many talented filmmakers. Thanks to NM’s film incentives, the state is prepared for a significant surge in film production. STP lobbied for the film tax incentives at the State Capitol. We’re committed to supporting film-friendly policies that solidify New Mexico's reputation as a welcoming and accommodating 'Land of Enchantment' for filmmakers alike.


Through STP’s quality impact production solutions, we helped Deb Haaland, the first of two Native Congresswomen, secure her seat in Congress.

Please note that STP’s creators may have varying political and spiritual beliefs. We strongly value diversity, including a wide range of perspectives. It is essential to recognize that we may not necessarily agree with all perspectives. Our ultimate goal is to be a positive force and bring light to your community, reflecting the hózhó values we represent.